💰Day 100 of BTC ETFs: It’s Time!💸

#Bitcoin #Miners #Scarcity #ETFs #TA #Breakout #Shorts #LiquidationLevels
⚙️ IA SCP Profiler:

👉Featured in this video:
◆TABI Bitcoin Top & Bottom:

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0:00 – Introduction
1:17 BTC Monthly Returns
1:37 Breaking: BTC Distance to ATH
1:56 Breaking: Shockingly High Inflows
2:29 Come On, Do Something!
2:48 Breaking: BTC is Biggest Wealth Tx in History
3:18 Breaking: Post Halving Sting Hits Miners
4:25 Breaking: DMM to Buy 4,600 BTC
4:55 Breaking: Canada Cuts First
5:31 Tapping the 70K Glass…. 3rd Time a Charm?
6:13 TABI: Still in the Yellow Zone
6:39 Breaking: Thermo Cap Far From Overvalued
7:19 Avg ROI 125% a Year Compounded
9:10 16 Straight Days Positive
9:50 Breaking: 90 Day Consolidation Nearly Finished
10:24 Breaking: ATH 2.9% Away
11:07 Breaking: Best Part is Yet to Come!
11:47 Breaking: Jenny FT CEO – Still Super Early
12:30 Breaking: $100K Is On The Way…
13:08 Breaking: Candle to $100K is Loading
14:01 Breaking: 500 Days and $300K??
14:16 Breaking: 72K Shorts In Danger
15:30 Breaking: 72K Shorts Gonna Get Ripped
16:26 Breaking: Bitcoin Miner Supply at All Time Low
18:27 Breaking: Monster ETF Flows Day 100
19:02 Day 100 Raw Numbers
19:23 This is $1BN in $100 Bills
20:17 ETF Macro Update
20:57 16 Positive Days
21:06 $890M Dollar Day on Day 100
21:18 Day 100 Status
21:37 Day 100 Bags
22:49 Yesterday 12,568 BTC pulled from the System
24:06 GBTC 28M

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