Are Markets Rational or Irrational?

#Crypto #Bitcoin #NUPL #Macro #Inflation #Bonds #AAPL #TSLA #MATIC
InvestAnswers does not provide financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. None of the content on the InvestAnswers channels is financial, investment, tax, or legal advice and should not be taken as such; the content is intended only for educational and entertainment purposes. InvestAnswers (James) shares some of his trades as learning examples but they are only relevant to his specific portfolio allocation, risk tolerance & financial expertise, may not constitute a comprehensive or complete discussion of such topics, and should not be emulated. The content of this video is solely the opinion(s) of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading equities or cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. Kindly use your judgment and do your own research at all times. You are solely responsible for your own financial, investing, and trading decisions.

Oh What a Crap Year
Bitcoin is Dead Time Series Analysis
WholeCoiners Stacking 969K
NUPL STILL in the Kill Zone
Zooming Out for some Log Perspective
Binance Freak Out Overplayed in rel to FTX
Matic Sitting at 200 DMA Support
What is $150.27 ➗ $7.25?
PE Perspective
Additional PE Perspective – AVG SPX PE
Irrational Markets
Apple At $134 Support
Meanwhile Govt Benefits on the Rise – 3 Trillion
Stick a Trillion on the AMEX!!!
We Ain’t Buying Clothes, But Drinking Like Mad
Oh and Take This Job and Shove It
Bond Market Says Fed is Bluffing
Inflation Expectations
Least Affordable Cities
Trump NFT – Troll Activation Image

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