TURKEY Launches Military Airstrikes & Prepares for Land Offensive in Syria | WORLD WAR 3
00:00 – IN THIS VIDEO ..
02:59 – SYRIA
Turkey is launching an offensive against an ally of the USA’s. In a country where Russia and the US are fighting another proxy war besides Ukraine.
This video is an update on the situation in Turkey, related to what’s going on in Syria. And dont forget, Turkey, is perhaps the most important piece of the puzzle when it comes to the proxy war currently being fought out in Ukraine, between Russia and the US.
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Over the course of the last week or so, Turkey has launched a number of air strikes into Syria, and President Erdogan has now announced that he’s intending to launch a land offensive. So this is a really big military push by Turkey. And Syria is a real powder keg in terms of what’s going on, because there are a number of different factions, all of whom are fighting against each other and they’re supported by different sides.
Russia has interests in Syria, as does the U.S. and both Russia and the U.S., the interesting fact thou is that they’re not on the same side or against Turkey’s current involvement. So I’ll give you some more detail on what’s going on in Syria, how the country got itself into the situation it’s in, who’s backing who, what Turkey are trying to achieve through their military strikes and what the potential implications of this are.
obviously we’ve still got the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. Now, up until this point, Turkey has taken an entirely neutral stance. Prior to the war, they had a strong relationship with both Russia and Ukraine, and they’ve managed to maintain that position over the course of the last eight months or so. And President Erdogan had a meeting with President Putin recently and came out of it stating that both countries intended to do more trade together.
So up until this point, relations between Turkey and Russia have been very strong. But what’s going on in Syria could affect that relationship.
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